Saturday Feb 25, 2012

Stop Lynas! Time and location for Himpunan Hijau 夜坊音乐 Night Music Workshop 11

Time and location for Himpunan Hijau. Stop Lynas! Stop them from operating this refinery plant in Malaysia! This will be the world’s largest refinery for so-called rare earth metals — the first rare earth ore processing plant to be built outside China in nearly three decades. In the process of rare earth refinery, certain radioactive elements such as Uranium and Thorium will be released. Once the facility starts to operate, 300,000 tons of radioactive waste will be produced every year! Those radioactive elements will not only exist in solid and fluid waste, the fallout will contaminate the dust particles in the atmostsphere and become air-bound. “One of the major reasons China has reduced its rare earth output and exports since 2009 was the government’s and public concern that mining and refining operations were causing excessive contamination to surrounding areas," All of this helps explain why a giant Australian mining company, Lynas, is hurrying to finish a $230 million rare earth refinery here, on the northern outskirts of Malaysia’s industrial port of Kuantan. The Australian government today reiterated that it will not accept responsibility for any waste material produced by Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd. Despite the potential hazards, the Malaysian government was eager for investment by Lynas, even offering a 12-year tax holiday.

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